Back to School - Tips for Success

I cant believe I'm posting this already but its almost that time already... Shifting from summer and heading back to school can be tough for kids and parents. Check out these tips to help with the transition.

Reestablish Routines: Getting back into regular routines can be hard and slowly reestablishing your routine can help make the transition back to school easier. Is your sleep schedule similar to what it needs to be? If not, start adjusting your it. Try going to bed and getting up at the times you would when school starts. At the very least, try getting similar amounts of sleep and getting up earlier. Bonus: getting up earlier can help the last couple weeks of summer feel longer and gives you extra time for summer fun!

Expect some anxiety and back to school blues: It's totally normal to feel down or anxious about going back to school. Take some time to sit with those feelings. Maybe talk to a family member or friend about it. Practice some coping skills like mindful breathing, exercises, listening music, whatever works for you!

Stop Procrastinating: Have a list of stuff to do or buy before school starts? Do it! Procrastinating can increase our stress and anxiety and take up unnecessary space in your head. Sometimes its easier to just get things over with. Then you can enjoy the rest of the summer!

Screen time: I think we're all a little guilty of spending too much time on our phones, but this is especially true for lots of kids in the summer. Take a minute to look at how much time you've been spending on your phone, computer, playing video games, etc. Is it way more than during the school year? Try limiting some of it so its not such a big change when school starts.

Get support: Sometimes it helps to reach out to a professional for extra support. Getting a head start before things get tough can be really beneficial and make staying on track a little easier. Plus, you'll probably have better luck getting an appointment now instead of later (unfortunately waitlists for mental health services are on the rise so its best not to wait until things get out of control).

Remember, you got this and you’re not alone.